Evading the celestial police, one Italian monk ushered in the golden age of asteroidal discovery. Once thought the remnants of a long-lost planet, asteroids are now known to have been the ingredients in the cosmic confectionaries we call planets. Though their shadows have revealed a variety of asteroids, scientists will soon get their hands on fragments of these faraway finds.
Continue ReadingFirst Friday Astronomy
Boise State Physics
First Friday Astronomy
Friday, Jul 2 at 7:30p MT
Dr. Steve Swanson
Boise State Univ & NASA Astronaut Corps
Online lecture begins 7:30pm MT
Boise State Physics
First Friday Astronomy
Friday, May 7 at 7:30p MT
Light Pollution in the Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve
Prof. Travis Longcore
UCLA, Institute of Environment & Sustainability
Online lecture begins 7:30pm MT
Boise State Physics
First Friday Astronomy
Friday, Apr 2 at 7:30p MT
Seeing the Dark Side of the Universe through Cosmic Lenses
Dr. Ami Choi
Dept. of Physics, Ohio State Univ.
Online lecture begins 7:30pm MT

Boise State Physics
First Friday Astronomy
Friday, Mar 5th at 7:30p MT
Psyche: Journey to a Metallic World
Prof. Lindy Elkins-Tanton,
School Of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State Univ.
Online lecture begins 7:30pm MT

Boise State Physics
First Friday Astronomy
Friday, Dec 4th
NASA’s Lucy Mission: 1 Spacecraft, 7 Trojan Asteroids, 12 years
Dr. Cathy Olkin
Southwest Research Institute
Online lecture begins 7:30pm MT
Donate at give.boisestate.edu/astronomy.

Boise State Physics
First Friday Astronomy
Friday, Nov 6th
A Practical Guide to Time Travel
Prof. Barbara Ryden
Dept. of Astronomy
The Ohio State University
Online lecture begins 7:30pm MT
Donate at give.boisestate.edu/astronomy.

Boise State Physics
First Friday Astronomy
Friday, Oct 2nd
The Solar System Laboratory:
A Testbed for Exoplanet Studies
Dr. Laura Mayorga
Space Telescope Science Institute
Online lecture begins 7:30pm MT
Donate at give.boisestate.edu/astronomy.