
All posts for the month August, 2017


Dust devils occur ubiquitously on Mars, where they have been observed from space and from landed spacecraft. Martian dust devils may present a hazard to exploration of the planet, but they have also lengthened the lifetime of the Mars rovers.

Join the Physics Department on Friday, Sep 1 at 7:30p in the Multi-Purpose Classroom Building, room 101 to hear about research on terrestrial analog dust devils conducted by Boise State’s own Prof. Brian Jackson. He will discuss a recent pilot study using an instrumented quadcopter to sample active dust devils and will present encounter footage collected onboard the drone.

After the presentation at 8:30p, we will stargaze on the roof of the Brady Street Parking Garage.

The entire event is free and open to the public. Contact Prof. Brian Jackson ( – @decaelus) with any questions.